Denim in the afternoon.

Goods and Brands, Mercantiles

40.9634º N, 72.1848º W RRL is the vintage inspired, rugged living, yurt sleeping, cowboy brand of the Ralph Lauren empire. It is east coast meets the Rockies. It’s mud. It’s turquoise. It’s denim. And it’s distinguished. The RRL flagship store in East Hampton’s Main Street is nothing short of gorgeous—a masterpiece showroom, both effortless but meticulous. The two-story vine covered cottage set on the East End of Long Island features an eclectic assortment of Native American-made merchandise along with vintage Breitlings and map-covered…

Original haberdashery.


39.9612º N, 82.9988º W The Short North Arts District in Columbus, Ohio is centered around the beautiful brick and tree-lined High Street. It’s a vibrant thoroughfare, plentiful with restaurants and coffee shops, craft cocktails and wine bars, homemade ice cream, and no shortage of great shopping. In the spirit of a true haberdashery, Samson: A Men’s Emporium carries everything for the elegant, yet rustic man. He can leave with a Brackish feather bow tie fit for a dandy southern gentleman, a…