A small, family owned business, it was discovered in 1862 by an Ozarks farmer — or more precisely, by his dog, who crawled through an entrance. It wasn’t until five years later that the first exploration took place: 12 women from Springfield, Missouri, answering a newspaper ad seeking explorers, ventured into the cave. Their names remain on a cave wall today. The cave is the only ride-through cave in the United States and toured by jeep-drawn trams.
Bill Conklin’s world renowned expertise as a craftsman of guitars may precede him, but a true artist, Bill is always pursuing new ideas in his sketchbook. He is an avid designer and builder of musically-inspired furniture.
Wild Foraged Living is a labor of love consciously designing the future toward the promises of yoga: fulfillment (bhoga) and freedom (apavarga). It is practice brought to life. Valuing what was once devalued and depreciated and creating resilient mobile living spaces and furniture built to last a lifetime, Wild Foraged Living merges yogic practice and living spaces.
Since 1851, the name Singer has been synonymous with sewing. The spirit of practical design and creative innovation that characterized the company at its beginning continues today as we develop products for every level of sewing. We have celebrated many firsts, including the world’s first zig-zag machine, the first electronic machines and we now proudly produce the world’s most advanced home sewing and embroidery machines. From home décor and clothing construction to embroidery and quilting, SINGER® is dedicated to helping people…